Thursday, November 25, 2010

You Can Learn the Violin Online

You can learn the violin. With the implementation of some modern tools and techniques you will find the process quite enjoyable. Because the Internet is accessible by virtually every American, online music instruction becomes extremely affordable, not to mention very simple.

Any scientific experiments have been done on various learning techniques. Without question, the combination of our audio and visual learning is the best way for a student to retain the information presented. This is why online instruction courses have become so popular. Online instruction is also one of the best ways for you to learn the violin.

Imagine asking a traditional music instructor to demonstrate for you how to play a piece. The instructor might be willing to comply once or twice, but after that his patience would grow thin. Compare that to an online video that you could play five, ten, or even 100 times, and the instructor does it exactly the same every time, and never losing the smile on his face. Online instruction allows you the luxury of learning at your own pace. You can perfect your technique to the point of your own ultimate satisfaction, no matter how picky you might be. Think of the advantage of tuning your instrument to a digital tone. It is impossible for a digital tone to be out of tune! By identifying and eliminating some of the stumbling-blocks to traditional learning, online instruction is rapidly carving a name for itself in the tree of music lessons.

When selecting an online violin course it is important for you to be able to understand lessons. Is the material presented in such a way that you can understand what is being described? Does the instructor share his knowledge in a manner that makes you willing to learn? Is there adequate video instruction coupled together with the book learning? Is music theory a part of the online violin course? These and other question should be answered your satisfaction before making your final selection.

A qualified music instructor will view the process of teaching the students more as a calling than as an occupation. It should be very obvious to the student as to whether or not the instructor likes what they're doing. A good teacher always possesses the attitude that his job is not finished until the student can re-teach the same material.

As you learn the violin, you should follow the instructions on even the most basic of techniques, such as how to pickup and hold your violin. Posture and relaxation techniques are very important basic skills for you to master. You should make sure that your personal instruction covers these all important topics.

One of the most critical areas for you to be concerned about as you learn to play the violin is your own practice regimen and routine. The importance of self discipline cannot be overlooked when learning to play a musical instrument. Most instructors recommend from ½ hour to 2 hours per day be spent in practice.

When you chose to learn the violin, you chose well!

Hailey Alton is a violin performer, music lover and teacher. For a free Learn the Violin mini course please visit

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of learning the violin on-line so I can learn the instrument at my own pace.
