The Pros & Cons Of Violin Online
There are many advantages to learning violin online. First of all, it's much, much cheaper than conventional methods. A complete one-year course is around $30 to $50, compared to thousands of dollars for a real teacher. You will also be able to go through the lessons at your own pace, as opposed to being a slave to your teacher.
Of course, there are a few negatives too. For starters, you won't have a dynamic teacher there to bounce questions off. Instead, most online violin schools will provide an online forum, and occasional a phone number. You'll also be forced to develop your own technique, as there won't be anyone there to hold your hand. This can be used to your advantage however, as you'll develop a unique and original style.
Best Online Violin Schools
There are a number of online schools that provide video tutorials and discussion boards for varying prices. Some of the schools are dedicated purely to violin, whilst others offer tuition in a range of other instruments too. If you're really eager to learn multiple instruments, it's very possible to do so quite cheaply over the internet. The higher quality courses generally provide you with jam-tracks, instrument discounts, and other interesting perks. It was very rewarding for me to learn the violin online.
I was hesitant to begin learning the violin online at first, but have and learning the violin online has been very rewarding to me.