Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Returned To Violin Lessons After Learning A Little About Theory

When I was in high school I hated theory. My orchestra
teacher would offer a theory class every semester but
usually not enough students would sign up for it so
the class wasn't held.

Remembering the order of the sharps (using the Fuzzy
Cats Go Down And Eat Bats saying for FCGDAEB) was
about all I could handle so it was fine by me that I
never took a theory class.

Well, when I got older and returned to the violin
after a good friend gave me that antique violin from
her attic, I quickly realized I needed to get a better
understanding of theory.

I was relieved when I discovered that Violin Master
Pro had both videos and written instructions about
music theory that were easy to understand.

In fact, he gives you enough information that you can
compose your own song with his 12 tone system.
Online Violin Lessons

From the very beginning of time, people sang music and
passed their music from person to person - in song.
Gradually, hundreds of years ago, they developed a
written system - the system of scales, rhythm and
harmony - so that they could write down what they were

They could now share their music with others.
I hope you have discovered that you, too, can be a
composer and a performer! With this beginning, I hope
you will want to investigate everything you can about

If only I had discovered these lessons from Eric Lewis
in high school I would have been able to take that
theory class after all.

It's never too late though. Let me know how it goes
after you give it a try risk-free.

P. S. This is in fact the first time ever that violin
lessons performed by such a master are this easily
accessed and applied for such a reasonable price.

With such a low one-time payment you get access to NEW
lessons in the membership center each month! A
membership site without a monthly membership fee.
Offers don't get any better than this.

The beautiful violin: Learn online

Learning how to play the violin is a major challenge. Finding the right teacher can really help. The cost of a teacher that teaches you how to play violin is one of the biggest problems with learning how to play. Online learning has become something very popular for all kinds of instruments and the violin is no exception. There are many different classes online, one of the best is violin master Pro Eric Lewis.
Save money by learning online. It can cost thousands of dollars to be taught in person by a professional. When you do your learning online, it can be between $ 30 to $ 50. It really is a huge difference in cost. Learning to play the violin online has many other benefits.

You can learn from home on your own time. This makes learning the violin very easy and it will be a lot of fun too. You can choose the best time of day, and as often as you want. There are no make up practice appointments and having to drive through the city for a lesson. When you learn online it can be done at any time of the day or night.
In fact, you can get the same information online as with a professional in a studio or classroom or even. There is nothing more beautiful than the violin to play .
Tags: Learn the violin, to learn the violin to violin, learn, violin

How To Hold Your Violin Bow

If you're just starting out in violin the most
important thing to learn in the beginning is how to
hold the bow.

Back when I was in high school the orchestra teacher
looked at me one day and frowned. He walked over to me
and explained that the way I was holding my bow was
wrong and because I hadn't learned the proper way
years ago. 

I wouldn't be able to learn the correct way,
he said. Boy was that discouraging. Especially because
he was the one who first taught me how to play back
when I was ten years old!

He put a rubber band over my hand and around the bow
to try to encourage the proper hold but it was
useless. Or so it seemed.

Today, thanks to Eric Lewis's Violin Master Pro I now
hold the bow the correct way and playing the violin is
more effortless for me now. Watching his videos about
how to hold the bow made all the difference.

I think they will make all the difference for you, too.

The #1 thing to remember when holding the bow is to
not squeeze the bow. Trust your bow! Let your hand
remain as loose as possible.

A loose, fluid bow hold
allows you to change the various aspects of the sound
your violin creates.

But when you lock your bow hold, when you permanently
straighten your pinky or thumg, you can hardly change
the sound at all. Your sound will be essentially the
same no matter what you do.

It may feel more comfortable to play with a locked
pinky or thumb. It may feel like you are able to
assert more control over the bow. But believe this:
you are not gaining control.

You are losing control!
When your bow hold is locked in place, your hand is
literally stuck. It cannot move. It cannot react. When
the music changes, your sound will not be able to
change with it.

This dire situation can be easily avoided! Focus on
achieving the loosest bow hold possible. Focus on
eliminating tension from your hand and from your mind.
Find that fine line between a loose, fluid bow hold
and dropping the bow.

When you can find that line and
stay near it, you will understand much of what it
takes to play the violin.

As Eric Lewis always says, "Your bow will enable you to turn
your music into metaphor, into a living musical
translation of whatever there is inside of you."

How does that sound?

Eric will give you step by step easy to follow instructions in how to
hold the bow and will give you practice exercises for this
as well.

But that's not all, not even close.
You'll learn how to play ANY type of music, how to
play any piece of music with just a page of notes, how
to play from ear, how to write songs, and more.

So what are you waiting for?

P. S. Linda Stein from NYC says, "I have purchased
ViolinMasterPro about week ago and I am already performing
pieces of great music I never could have imagined I would be
playing. ViolinMasterPro is like no other instruction I have seen
I have tried before. I really love it!"